The tea shop
Arun’s life was simple and uncomplicated. At 17 his only worry was about studies and marks in the ninety percentile. Sometimes pocket money also entered the inner core of his persistent thoughts.
The man and the man-eater
Our African adventure jogged a few memories. Stories about my grandfather heard in bits and pieces. Some narrated by his sons, some gleaned from his diaries I stumbled upon.
Mistress of my soul
All these years, I had bottled up Conscience, the mistress of my soul, deep under multiple layers of fat accumulated over five decades.
I am sorry, it is cancer
Initially it was a search for answers, trying to find the strength to comfort my wife, and coming to terms with what we thought usually happened to someone else.
Sleep Clinic
Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up to a series of tremors. I felt I was standing in the middle of Grand Central Station sometime in the sixties watching the trains go by.